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Professor Simon Cronin

Dr. Simon Cronin

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Professor Simon Cronin



Professor Cronin is a Consultant Neurologist at Cork University Hospital.

Graduated with honours from University College Dublin, and trained in Neurology in Ireland and UK.

From 2005-2008 he was a US Muscular Dystrophy Association Research Fellow. He completed his PhD on genomics in neurodegenerative disorders, focussing on ALS, at the National Institutes on Health, Maryland; Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
He has published extensively on genetic and genome-wide association studies in neurodegeneration. He completed a Clinical Fellowship in Neurology and Neurovascular disorders at Addenbrooke's Cambridge University Hospital, UK, before returning to Ireland as a Consultant Neurologist. He is also an Honorary Clinical Professor at University College Cork.

Specialist Interest:
Neurogenetics, Neurovascular Neurology, Neuropathies and Multiple Sclerosis.

Professor Cronin also evaluates patients within all realms of general neurology including migraine, neurodegenerative disorders, demyelination and epilepsy.

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